गौस ए आज़म

सरदार ए औलिया हुजोर गौस ए आज़म की शान में नज़राना ए अकीदत

Monday 25 July 2011

पाक विलादत और करामत


Apart from this, there were many other miraculous events surrounding the birth of Shaikh Abd al-Qaadir al-Jilani (radi Allahu anhu) Shaikh Sayyiduna Shahabud-Din Suharwardi (radi Allahu anhu) quoted the following five miracles (Karamahs) relating to the birth of al-Ghawth al-Azam (radi Allahu anhu) in his distinguished book, Manaqib-e-Ghausia:

(1). On the eve his birth, his father saw the Prophet Muhammad ((sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)) in his dream. The Prophet Muhammad (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) gave him the following glad tidings: O Abu Saaleh! Almighty Allah has blessed you with a pious son. He is my beloved and the beloved of Almighty Allah. He is the most exalted amongst the Awliya and Aqtaab.

(2). When he was born, he had the impression of the footprint of Rasoolullah, (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)on his shoulder. This alone was the proof of his Wilayah (Sainthood).

(3). Almighty Allah gave glad tidings to his parents in their dream that their son would be the Sultaanul Awilyahand those who oppose him would be Gumrah (misled).

(4). On the eve of his birth, approximately eleven hundred males were born in Jilan. Every one of them was a Wali Allah.

(5). He was born on the eve of Ramadaan and during the entire month of Ramadaan he never drank milk after the time of Sehri and before the time of Iftaar. In other words, he kept fast from the day he was born. His mother said that he never cried for milk for the entire day and he would only drink milk at the time of Iftaar!

Wah kya martabah ai Ghouse hai bala Tera
Oonche oonchaun ke saraun se hai qadam ala Tera

Sar bhala kya koi janey ke hai kaisa Tera
Auliya maltey hai aakhein woh hai talwa Tera


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