गौस ए आज़म

सरदार ए औलिया हुजोर गौस ए आज़म की शान में नज़राना ए अकीदत

Monday 25 July 2011

शब ए बराअत की नफ्ल नमाज़ें

शब ए बराअत की नफ्ल नमाज़ें

v  दो रकात तहियतुल वुजू इस तरह पढ़ें कि हर रकात में सुरह फातिहा (अलहम्दु शरीफ) के बाद एक बार आयतल कुर्सी और तीन बार सुरह इखलास (कुल्हुवाल्लाह शरीफ) पढ़ें|
       फज़ीलत:- हर कतरा पानी के बदले सात सौ रकात नफिल नमाजों का सवाब मिलेगा |
v  दो रकात नमाज़ इस तरह पढ़ें कि हर रकात में सुरह फातिहा (अलहम्दु शरीफ) के बाद एक बार आयतल कुर्सी और पन्द्रह बार सुरह इखलास (कुल्हुवाल्लाह शरीफ) पढ़ें| सलाम फेरने के बाद सौ बार दुरूद शरीफ पढ़ें|
     फज़ीलत:- रोज़ी में बरकत, रंजो गम से निजात, गुनाहों की बख्शीश और मगफिरत हासिल हो|
v  आठ रकात नमाज़ (दो-दो रकात करके) इस तरह पढ़ें कि हर रकात में सुरह फातिहा (अलहम्दु शरीफ) के बाद पाँच बार सुरह इखलास (कुल्हुवाल्लाह शरीफ) पढ़ें|
      फज़ीलत:- गुनाहों से पाक साफ़ होगा, दुआएं कुबूल होंगी, सवाब ए अज़ीम हासिल होगा|
v  बारह रकात नमाज़ (दो-दो रकात करके) इस तरह पढ़ें कि हर रकात में सुरह फातिहा (अलहम्दु शरीफ) के बाद दस बार सुरह इखलास (कुल्हुवाल्लाह शरीफ) पढ़ें| बारह रकात पढ़ने के बाद दस बार कलमा ए तौहीद, दस बार कलमा ए तमजीद और दस बार दुरूद शरीफ पढ़ें|
v  चौदह रकात नमाज़ (दो-दो रकात करके) इस तरह पढ़ें कि हर रकात में सुरह फातिहा (अलहम्दु शरीफ) के बाद जो सुरह चाहे पढ़ें|
      फज़ीलत:- जो भी दुआएं मांगे कुबूल होंगी |
v  चार रकात नमाज़ (एक सलाम से) इस तरह पढ़ें कि हर रकात में सुरह फातिहा (अलहम्दु शरीफ) के बाद पचास बार सुरह इखलास (कुल्हुवाल्लाह शरीफ) पढ़ें|
      फज़ीलत:- गुनाहों से ऐसा पाक साफ़ हो जाये जेसे माँ के पेट से अभी पैदा हुआ हो|
v  आठ रकात नमाज़ (एक सलाम से) इस तरह पढ़ें कि हर रकात में सुरह फातिहा (अलहम्दु शरीफ) के बाद ग्यारह बार सुरह इखलास (कुल्हुवाल्लाह शरीफ) पढ़ें| फिर इसका सवाब हजरत फातिमा ज़हरा की बारगाह में नज़र करें|
     फज़ीलत:- कियामत के रोज जब तक खातून ए जन्नत शफाअत करवा के जन्नत में न भेज देंगी, खुद जन्नत में क़दम न रखेंगी |

रोज़े की फज़ीलत
रसूलल्लाह सल्ललाहू अलैही वसल्लम ने इरशाद फ़रमाया कि जिसने शाबान में एक रोज़ा भी रखा उसको मेरी शफाअत हलाल हो गई | एक और हदीस में रसूलल्लाह सल्ललाहू अलैही वसल्लम ने इरशाद फ़रमाया कि जिसने शाबान की पन्द्रह तारीख का रोज़ा रखा उसको जहन्नम की आग न छुएगी |

पाक विलादत और करामत


Apart from this, there were many other miraculous events surrounding the birth of Shaikh Abd al-Qaadir al-Jilani (radi Allahu anhu) Shaikh Sayyiduna Shahabud-Din Suharwardi (radi Allahu anhu) quoted the following five miracles (Karamahs) relating to the birth of al-Ghawth al-Azam (radi Allahu anhu) in his distinguished book, Manaqib-e-Ghausia:

(1). On the eve his birth, his father saw the Prophet Muhammad ((sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)) in his dream. The Prophet Muhammad (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam) gave him the following glad tidings: O Abu Saaleh! Almighty Allah has blessed you with a pious son. He is my beloved and the beloved of Almighty Allah. He is the most exalted amongst the Awliya and Aqtaab.

(2). When he was born, he had the impression of the footprint of Rasoolullah, (sall Allaho alaihi wasallam)on his shoulder. This alone was the proof of his Wilayah (Sainthood).

(3). Almighty Allah gave glad tidings to his parents in their dream that their son would be the Sultaanul Awilyahand those who oppose him would be Gumrah (misled).

(4). On the eve of his birth, approximately eleven hundred males were born in Jilan. Every one of them was a Wali Allah.

(5). He was born on the eve of Ramadaan and during the entire month of Ramadaan he never drank milk after the time of Sehri and before the time of Iftaar. In other words, he kept fast from the day he was born. His mother said that he never cried for milk for the entire day and he would only drink milk at the time of Iftaar!

Wah kya martabah ai Ghouse hai bala Tera
Oonche oonchaun ke saraun se hai qadam ala Tera

Sar bhala kya koi janey ke hai kaisa Tera
Auliya maltey hai aakhein woh hai talwa Tera

हज़रत गौस ए आज़म

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jelani was a Sufi sheikh and the eponymous founder of the Qadiri Sufi order (selsela). He was born in Ramadan AH 470 (about AD 1077) in the Persian province of Gilan (Iran) south of the Caspian sea. His contribution and renown in the sciences of Sufism and Sharia was so immense that he became known as the spiritual pole of his time, al-Gauth al Azam (the "Supreme Helper" or the "Mightiest Succor"). His writings were similar to those of al-Ghazali in that they dealt with both the fundamentals of Islam and the mystical experience of Sufism.

Parents and Early Life
Abdul Qadir Jilani was a Sufi master and Syed (descendant of the Prophet Muhammad) from both his father and mother. His father Abu Saleh Jangidost, was an illustrious and God-fearing man. Once while engrossed in meditation by the bank of a river he saw an apple floating down the river. He picked it up and ate it. It struck to him that he ate the apple without paying for it so he set out in search of the owner, on the bank of the river and at last reached the owner of the apple orchard "Abdullah Somai" whom he requested to tell him the price of the apple, Abdullah Somai replied that it was an expensive thing. Syed Abu Saleh replied that he had not much by way of worldly material but he, could serve him for compensation. Abdullah Somai then asked him to work for a year in the orchard. In course of time the duration was extended several times. In the end Abdullah Somai admitted that he had served him in excess of the price and desired to reward him. Abu Saleh hesitated in accepting it but when Abdullah Somai persisted, he relented. He said he had a daughter, blind of eyes, handicapped of hands and feet and wanted to give her in marriage to him. In this way Abu Saleh was married to Abdullah Somai's daughter, Syeda Fatimah. To his astonishment found her wondrously beautiful and wholesome. He complained to his father-in-law that he found her exactly the opposite to what he had described her. Abdullah Somai insisted on the truthfulness of his statement. She was blind because she had not seen any Ghair Mehram (a man who could marry her). She was mute because she had not uttered a word repugnant to the Shariah (Islamic law). She was deaf because she had not heard anything inconsistent with the Shariah. She was handicapped of hand and feet because she had never moved in the direction of evil.

Abdul Qadir Jilani's father died soon after and the young orphan was reared up by his mother and his grandfather, Abdullah Somai.

Adult life
At the age of 18 he went to Baghdad on AH 488 (1095 AD), where he pursued the study of Hanbalite law under several teachers. His mother sewed 40 gold coins in his quilt so that he might spend them when needed. The dacoits struck the caravan on the way, and looted all the travelers of their belongings. They asked him what he had. He replied that he had 40 gold coins. The dacoits took his reply for a joke and took him to their chief, who asked him the same question and he again replied that he had 40 gold coins. He demanded him to show, upon whom he tore away, the quilt and produced the gold coins. He was surprised and asked him why he had given the hidden gold coins when he could have kept them hidden. Young Abdul Qadir Jilani replied that he was travelling to Baghdad to receive education and his mother had instructed him to speak the truth. This left a deep effect on the chief of the dacoits and he gave up looting.

Abdul Qadir received lessons on Islamic Jurisprudence from Abu Said Ali al-Mukharrimi, Hadith from Abu-Bakra-bin-Muzaffar, and commentary (tafseer) from the renowned commentator, Abu Muhammad Jafar.

In Sufism, his spiritual instructor was Shaikh Abu'l-Khair Hammad. From him, he received his basic training, and with his help he set out on the spiritual journey. Abu Shuja' was also a disciple of Shaikh Hammad, once he said: "Shaikh Abdul Qadir was in the company of Shaikh Hammad, so he came and sat in front of him, observing the best of good manners, until he stood up and took his leave. I heard Shaikh Hammad say, as soon as Shaikh Abdul Qadir had left: 'This non-Arab has a foot that will be raised, when the proper time comes, and placed upon the necks of the saints of that time. He will surely be commanded to say: This foot of mine is upon the neck of every saint of Allah. He will surely say it, and the necks of all the saints of his age will surely be bent at his disposal.'" Hazrat Junayd Baghdadi (died AD 910), who died about 167 years before the birth of Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani, predicted about him on one occasion, when he was performing meditation & during that he said: "His foot will be over all Saints' necks." After finishing meditation, his disciples asked him about his words, he replied: "One Sufi would be born in the future, who would be greater than all saints." Thus, Shaikh Hammad proved the words of Hazrat Junayd as right. The historians says that, later Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani also repeated the same words on many occasion by himself.

जिन्नात का बादशाह

Bushair bin Mahfooz states that once my daughter, Fatima, all of a sudden vanished from the roof of my house. I got worried and want to the blessed presence of Sayyed-e-na Ghouse-e-Pak and requested for help. He told me to go to Karkh, and during the night sit in a deserted place forming a fort (Hisar) around myself. Over there think about em and say:" Bismillah" During the darkness of night groups of Jinns will pass by you, their faces will be very strange, do not get scared by looking at them, at the time of sahari the KING OF JINNS will come to you and will ask you about your requirement. Tell him, "Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani has sent me from Baghdad (my requirement is that) you search my daughter."

Hence, I went to the ruins of KARKH and followed the instructions of Huzoor Ghous-e-Azam. During the silence of night, horrifying Jinns kept on passing outside my hisar. The faces of the Jinns were so horrifying that I could not look at them. At the time of sahari, the KING OF JINNS came on a horse back, there were Jinns surrounding him. He asked my demand from outside the hisar. I told him that Huzoor Ghous-e-Azam has sent me to you. As soon as he beard this, he got down the horse and sat on the ground. The other Jinns too sat outside the hisar.

I narrated the incident of the disappearance of my daughter. He announced amongst all the Jinns, "Who has taken the girl?" Within moments the Jinns caught a Chinese Jinn and presented him as the culprit. The King of the Jinns asked him why did you pick the girl up from the city of the Highest Cadre in Spiritual Pivot (Qutub) of the time? He said, while shivering, Your Highness! After looking at her I fell in love with her. The King ordered the Chinese Jinn to be beheaded and returned my wonderful daughter to me. I thanked the King of the Jinns and said, as Allah will! You are an ardent lover of Sayyed-e-na Ghouse-e-Pak. He then replied, I SWEAR UPON ALLAH WHEN HUZOOR GHOUS-E-PAK LOOKS TOWARDS US, ALL THE JINNS START TREMBLING. WHEN ALL NOMINATES AS QUTUB OF TIME THEN ALL THE JINNS AND HUMANS ARE ORDERED TO FOLLOW HIM. (Bahjaa-tul-Asraar)

All the Jinns start trembling (with fear) on hearing your name. Your Have that majestic awe 'O, Ghous-e-Azam Dastgir.

या गौस अल मदद

Hazrat-e-Bishr Qarazi narrates that I was travelling with a group of traders along with fourteen camels carrying sugar. We stopped for the night in a dangerous jungle. In the early hours of the night my four loaded camels disappeared, which were not found even after a lot of search. The group also departed. The camel driver stayed back with me . In the morning I suddenly remembered that my Mentor, The King of Baghdad Huzoor Ghous-e-Pak had told me that whenever you get stuck in any problem then call me (my name), Allah willing that problem will be solved, hence I requested this way: YA SHAIKH ABDUL QADIR! MY CAMELS ARE LOST.

All of sudden I saw a saintly man dressed in white clothes on a sand dune towards east, who was signaling me to come to him. As soon as I along with my camel driver reached over there the saintly Man disappeared from vision. We were strangely looking here and there when we suddenly spotted those four lost camels sitting under the sand dune. Then what happened was that we caught the camels and re-joined the group. When Sayyed-e-na Shaikh Ab-ul-Hasan Ali Khabbaz was told the incident of the lost camels He said that Hazrat-e-Shaikh Ab-ul- Qassim has said that I have heard Sayyed-e-na Shaikh Muhi-ud-Din Abdul Qadir Jilani saying:


Why should I go from door to door when I have a mentor like You. I received every thing from you 'O, Ghous-e-Azam Dastgir.

Dear Islamic Brother! It is possible that in someone's mind a thought may arise that we should only ask Allah for any help and no one else, because when Allah is the One who helps then why should we ask anyone else for help? The answer to this is that this is the way he makes an unknown number of people go astray. When Allah has not refrained from asking for help from someone else then how can someone get the right of saying that don't ask for help from anyone but Allah. Look in the Holy Quran, where Allah has in various verses allowed asking for help from someone else, but even though being the Omnipotent in every way,. He has asked for help from His beings. Therefore it is stated:

Translation: If you will help the religion of Allah, Allah will help you. (Part-26, Sura: Muhammad)

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